Things from Thing Stores

Eclectic accumulation via thrift store shopping

Archive for the tag “Forty and Eight”

40/8 Flea Market Dates for 2015

ATTENTION, for those who arrived here via a Google search:
This is not the website for the 40/8 Veterans Flea Market. This is “Things from Thing Stores,” a blog about shopping at flea markets and thrift stores.

I don’t host these flea markets, so don’t ask me to reserve a space for you or call you back; however, contact information for both the 40/8 and the MojoSales flea markets appears in the post below. Similarly, I am not Goodwill, Salvation Army, Pick of the Litter thrift store, Crossing the Jordan thrift store, Macy’s, the U.S. Government, or the Catholic Church — though I may write about those organizations on occasion.


The granddaddy of all Sonoma County flea markets is the 40/8 Veterans series, held on one Sunday a month from May through September in the parking lot of the Santa Rosa Veterans Building,

Not only is it a huge flea market with both out-of-town vendors and lots of locals, but this flea market also provides substantial scholarships for nursing students at Santa Rosa Junior College. So if you’re making a destination trip, be sure to calendar these flea markets.

The dates are all on Sundays, open to the public from 7:30 am  until around 3 pm:

  • May 3
  • June 14
  • July 12
  • Aug 16
  • September 13

If you want to rent a space, email, or leave your contact information on their phone line at (707) 522-9391. Speak slowly and clearly, and spell everything out, because, as they remind us, these veterans are “old, slow, and hard of hearing.” Yet they put in the effort to hold these big fundraisers simply because veterans appreciate nurses.

Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave.,Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, California

(P.S. The MojoSales Flea Markets happen more frequently, also on Sundays, also at the Veterans Building. Their contact email is MOJOSALES@HOTMAIL.COM.) 

40/8 Summer Flea Markets — for the Nurses!

Veterans know the value of nurses, and a local veterans’ chapter shows their appreciation with significant scholarships to nursing students, via a long running series of gigantic summer flea markets at the Santa Rosa Veterans Building.

These summer flea markets, which used to be the only large, regular flea markets in Santa Rosa, have been affected by the smaller, private Mojo flea markets that run most Sundays now. But I still have a deep fondness for the 40/8 flea markets because of their long support for the nursing program at Santa Rosa Junior College. In fact, these geezers get up before dawn on Sundays so they can fund 10 scholarships of $1,500 each to students in the nursing program. That’s enough to roll us out early on a Sunday morning, right?

In 2014, the five Sundays are:

  • May 4
  • June 15
  • July 13
  • August 17, and
  • September 7

Schedule these dates now and then show up to support nurses and vets by shopping the 40/8 Flea Market. The official start time for the public is 7:30 am, though of course the vendors will be setting up earlier.

If you want to have a seller table at this flea market, call their phone number ASAP at  (707) 522-9391 — there’s no local website — and they’ll send you a vendor packet. Or you can email your name, address, and telephone number to and ask for info.

(La Societe des Quarante Hommes at Huit Chevaux — more commonly known as the Forty & Eight — is an independent, invitational honor organization of U. S. veterans.)

Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial Building, 1351 Maple Ave.,Santa Rosa, Santa Rosa, California

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